Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 41
We just had an appointment with our doctor and the baby has dropped some. Everything still looks good, but the baby is just taking its time. We have to go in to the hospital tomorrow to have the baby monitored for a short time just to make sure it is still doing well in there. We're sure it is though because everything looks good.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 40
Well, our estimated due date has come and gone and still no baby. I'm not all that surprised though since most first time babies are a week or two late. JaDean and I are trying to be patient, but we are really excited to finally meet the little one. The baby, on the other hand, seems to be perfectly happy hanging out in there! Hopefully next week there will be a baby picture up!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week 39
As you can see, no baby yet! We had another appointment today with the doctor and he said that the baby still hadn't dropped much at all. I feel like it has some, but that may just be wishful thinking...LOL! The heart beat was 140.

Monday, March 2, 2009

38 Weeks
Sorry there was no 37 week picture...we were in the process of moving me back to Fargo. Thank God I'm back for good now! We had an appointment with our Doctor in Fargo today and everything is good. Still head down, my blood pressure is good, and the heart beat was good. He said that the baby hasn't really dropped yet. JaDean and I are getting really excited to find out what we are having, and I'm really excited to be able to bend over comfortably again!